AE911Truth to Present WTC Evidence in 17-Stop ReThink911 Canada Tour March 13 to April 1, 2014 Print
News - News Releases By AE911Truth
Written by David Long   
Thursday, 13 February 2014 00:07

ReThink911-Canada-Tour-Map-article-revThis will be the third nationwide tour of Canada by AE911Truth. Why? A real 9/11 investigation is more likely to evolve from outside the US. Canada’s hundreds of 9/11 Truth activists have been the most unwavering in their pursuit of this goalThe 9/11 Truth Movement has been re-inspired throughout Canada by ReThink911, the successful ad campaign from Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. From coast to coast, local organizers are getting behind the ReThink911 Canada Tour started by Winnipeg promoter, Jaime Sparkes.

Sparkes conceived the idea of the Tour, and 9/11 activists applauded. ReThink911 was an American lead initiative that has now gone global. Started by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, Rethink911 ads were displayed in 12 major cities around the world. Canadians have welcomed ReThink911, and the movement is taking the next step in its evolution with a national tour.

busWhat started it all - ReThink911 Ads on Canada’s OC Transpo Buses: “Have you seen the video of World Trade Center 7’s collapse?...The Evidence Might Surprise You”.The ReThink911 ads started what is now dubbed by activists “The Battle of Ottawa” when the Ottawa Transit Commission took on ReThink911 over the right to freedom of speech. Canadians in general responded – and supported free speech. National polls now show that 51% of Canadians believe that the collapse of WTC7 was a controlled demolition. If we believe what these polls are saying, it would appear that those who want an independent investigation into the events of 9/11 are now in the majority.New Canada ReThink Tour2014 ReThink911 Canada Tour

Sparkes spotted the opportunity right away. He contacted the local Canadian 9/11 Truth activists in more than a dozen cities, coordinated and booked venues for Richard Gage, AIA, and went straight to Ticketweb. ReThink911 Canada Tour tickets are now available online for events in 17 cities across Canada. Local activists are energized, and they have even gone so far as to start development on the mobile app for each tour date. They keep themselves organized and connected with an array of technology, including Google Drive online file sharing, Word Press for the website, QR codes, weekly conference calls, and their own web portal. 

city hall - ottawaAE911Truth Statement about ReThink911 is read into the record at City Hall by Isabelle Beenen as Ottawa City councillors listen and watch the implosion of WTC Building 7

Claude Fortin, co-founder of 911 Truth & Justice Halifax, and Halifax Event Coordinator for the tour, said: ‘It’s amazing how fast real-time communications and interactive media are coming together for this tour. Technology is really making ReThink 911 Canada spread like wildfire! Now, if only we had a candidate running on the 9/11 Truth platform in the next Federal election, then Canadians would have an opportunity to show the rest of the world that we, too, stand for truth and justice and care about our children’s future.”

Parliament Building-ReThink911 600Canadian 9/11 Truth activists in Ottawa reach out to Parliament members regularly throughout the year. Reaction? Silence. Activists hope to run their own candidate next year

Organizers from across Canada have a lot to say about ReThink911.

Jason Lemire, AE911Truth coordinator for Montreal states: “In the past, too many ‘stories’ have been told about 9/11. Today, Montreal has decided to be part of the future ‘history’ of tomorrow. This Canadian tour is a wake-up call to the world demanding them to ReThink their opinions surrounding the events of 9/11. The evidence might surprise them.”

From Vancouver, James Macdonald says, "The Rethink 911 Canada Tour 2014, is a symbol of Canadians taking truth as the authority, not the reverse.."

Patrick Collete, ReThink911 organizer for Quebec City stated, “The heart-beat of planetary Justice having flat lined, revealing 9/11/2001 to the world for the False Flag operation it was... Rethink 911 is the defibrillator that must shock the cognitive dissonance out of our social fabric so true Peace on Earth can prevail!”

Bev Collins in Prince George says: “Richard Gage AIA brings to Canada hard-based science that proves WTC7 was a controlled demolition...once people awaken to this and then watch as the other two WTC towers fall, they are left with no doubt that the official story is false.”

From London Ontario, ReThink911 organizer, Simon Goodwin says: “I'm delighted that Richard Gage was able to add the Rethink911 Canadian tour. I'm very excited to be participating in the event and most anxious for his important work to be presented first-hand to my community.”

Common Ground screen 600We’ve already got an alternative media giant in Western Canada, Common Ground, to cover the 9/11 issue and Canada tour with a great article and ad. Thank you, Joseph Roberts!Richard Gage, AIA, architect and founder of AE911Truth, is the featured speaker for the tour. It’s always deeply motivating for us activists when he shows up in Canada to deliver the evidence. Over the years, he’s refined his presentation about the events of 9/11 at the World Trade Center – and Canadians are listening. Symbolically, the first stop for the tour is in Prince George. This is the home riding for Bev Collins, NDP Candidate for the 2008 election and ardent 9/11 Truth Supporter.

 Bev CollinsIf you think that we need a first class 9/11 Truth Candidate like Bev Collins to run for Parliament here in Canada, please voice your thoughts now!“Back in 2008,” Collins said, “I had a hard road in the election when I told Canadian voters I thought that Canada needed an independent investigation into 9/11. The Conservatives and Liberals went after me, and although Jack Layton, our former Premier, stood up for me, my own party was silent on the issue. Today, I am glad to see that the majority of Canadians are realizing what I have been saying for years.”

Rumor has it that activists in Canada and around the world have been encouraging Bev Collins to run again. No doubt she is weighing the decision carefully. I have heard that Bev will be making her decision by the end of the ReThink911 Canada Tour, and that it will be based in part on popular demand. Bev, we look forward to seeing you on one of our 17 stops!